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Social Currant is a media platform that helps young content creators connect with companies to create and market brand products. However, the platform has identified several pain points, including the profile setup process, the matching process for content creators and companies, and managing time for both parties. These issues can be challenging for both content creators and companies, and addressing them is important for the success of the platform.


There were a few pain points identified with the current process, being:

  1. The profile setup process for content creators on Social Currant is somewhat vague, as it only requests minimal information from users.

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  2. The current matching system on Social Currant involves content creators contacting brands through a Discord server, which can be confusing and inefficient for both parties. Brands may not be clear about who is behind each account, and content creators may have difficulty expressing their identity due to the limited profile options provided by Discord. As a result, this method of matching may not be the most effective way for content creators and brands to connect.

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  3. Creating content can be time-consuming, and content creators must often juggle multiple tasks and responsibilities. This can be especially challenging for those who are working on their own or with a small team, as they may need to handle everything from idea generation to production to promotion.

Desired Outcomes

Improving the matching process between content creators and brands on Social Currant could have a number of positive outcomes:

Increased efficiency: A more streamlined and efficient matching process could help both content creators and brands save time and effort in finding and connecting with each other.

Improved user experience: A better matching process could make it easier and more enjoyable for content creators and brands to use the platform, which could increase user satisfaction and engagement.

Greater success for content creators: By making it easier for content creators to connect with brands, the platform could help them find more opportunities to create and market brand products. This could lead to greater success for content creators, both financially and in terms of building their professional careers.

Greater success for brands: Improved matching could also help brands find the right content creators to work with, which could lead to more effective marketing campaigns and greater success for the brand.

Overall, improving the matching process between content creators and brands on Social Currant could help both parties achieve their goals more effectively and efficiently, leading to mutually beneficial outcomes for all involved.


Upon reviewing the company's current website, it is evident that the flow is linear and consists of numerous consecutive steps. To address this issue, I propose reorganizing the flow and developing a new app platform to enhance the user experience. To further improve and encourage desired behaviors, I have created a prototype of my ideal solution. The prototype aims to address the pain points through the following features:

An optimized brand sign up process - including more specialized filters during the initial sign-up process, which will help the platform show brands content creators that match their requirements

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Filters to streamline influencer picks - Thorough filters to narrow down content creators which target specific requirements, if a brand is wanting a very specific type of person for a campaign

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The ability for creators to showcase their creative ad approach through past work and experience - Content creators can add their previous work experience in the form of content they create/have created for other brands, as well as metrics of reach of their posts. Scroll through 🔽

A gallery of influencers and their audiences - For brands to be able to take a glance at creators which have potential to be hired

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Risks and Mitigation